Women's Ministry
We gather periodically for luncheons where we enjoy uplifting worship and inspiring speakers. Contact the church office for information on the next scheduled event.

Men's Ministry
​We meet one Saturday morning most months for breakfast, fellowship, and encouraging teaching. Contact Pastor Ernest for more info.

OASIS (55+)
This Ministry exists by, with and for, older adults.
Having relationships and sharing life with others is essential at all stages of life. With many gifts, wisdom, knowledge, and experience, we can support each other and assist our church in living our vision: Loving Jesus, serving others together. In order that we can impact our community so people can come to know Jesus.
As part of our church body we want to continue to be active and Bless each other and others by using our gifts and talents. It is our goal to plan fun, encouraging, informative and outreach activities throughout the year. Offering a venue to strengthen old and foster new relationships as we age and still desire to produce the Fruit of the Spirit.
February 25th soup and sandwich and luncheon 12 noon. Followed with some time for hymns. A time of fellowship and games to follow
March 25th potluck luncheon and games 12 noon
Check our CALENDAR or weekly E-BULLETIN for upcoming events, or contact the office - 519-526-1131.