NEW HERE? What to Expect at Huron Chapel...
WELCOME TO HURON CHAPEL!! We're so glad you're visiting our site. Here's a bit about what to expect when you come in person...
Huron Chapel is a "Plan to Protect" church -- we endeavour to ensure people’s safety by our procedures.
Location: Worship takes place in the main sanctuary (upstairs). For parents with little children that need to move around, the stream is also shown downstairs in the Fellowship Hall.
Time: Worship begins at 10:30 a.m. (intro available online approx. 10:10 a.m.)
Junior Church / Sunday School: Children SK-Grade 6 head downstairs partway during the worship service, most Sundays Sept. - June. Please sign-in your child upon arrival.
Nursery (for children up to JK) is available downstairs; sign-in is required for safety purposes.
Bathrooms: There is a single-use bathroom upstairs by the lobby, and downstairs there are both men's and women's washrooms.
Communion: We generally go forward to receive bread-and-cup at the front and bring it back to our seat.
Offering: An offering plate is at the Information Desk; other options include Automatic Funds Transfer, e-transfer, PayPal.
Coffee Hour: Most Sundays volunteers host a refreshment and fellowship time downstairs in the Fellowship Hall with coffee and light snacks.
There is also an online stream for those who may be unable to attend --
If you are able to help out with greeting or in other areas, please contact 519-526-1131.
Thank you for your interest! We serve an amazing God who has called us to bless others and invite them to follow Jesus.